Embrace the quiet

 In today's society it is hard to have a moment to yourself or even to find a quiet place. Part of the reason why I started this blog is to use my quiet time for encouraging others. My "me" time is when everyone goes to bed, including my husband. Even though I have had a busy day and I am probably tired, I still feel the need to have some alone time where I do not have to be worrying about anyone else's needs or the house. Even during the day if my kids are sleeping I feel the need to clean or do something around the house so I still cannot relax too much.

So, when both kids are asleep and my husband goes to bed, I have some wind down time. Sometimes that will be writing a post, reading, or just a mindless activity. But all of this reminds me of a Bible verse that always makes me stop and think.

                 “Be still, and know that I am God!
                   I am exalted among the nations,
                   I am exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10

How hard is it for us to be still? When we are wrestling with something or going through a hard time, the last thing we want to do is be still. Even on an average day, at least for me, I do not have many moments I can just be still without an interruption. But God tells us to be still and know that He is God.

My husband and I were talking about a passage in the Bible the other day where God appeared to Elijah through a sheer silence (1 Kings 19:11-13). I was speechless because I could not fathom a silence, yet God's presence and then I thought of the Psalm above: "Be still, and know." We cannot listen to God's calling and direction for our lives if we are not quiet and actively listen to Him.

Even the most active child has to stop during the day to rest and rejuvenate. There are many lessons we can learn from children, and this is definitely one of them. We must stop and be still in order to know what we are going to do next.

Find some time today to be still and reflect, pray, meditate, whatever it is that calms you and gives peace. Write down your thoughts or dreams. God is in control and we have to be willing to believe that and trust him. I know it may be hard to find time to stop and just listen, but I'm sure there is an extra minute in your day somewhere.

Where is your favorite place/time to have some quiet time to yourself?
