Praise Him through the valley

 Another one of my favorite songs lately is called "Amen" by I Am They (if you have not listened to their music before, it is not too late! Go right now and look them up!).

Some of the lyrics of this song are: "Oh Lord, my faith is tired, And tears fill up my eyes, But I will trust You, I will trust You, Whatever comes my way, You have taught me to say, Amen, let Your kingdom come, Amen, let Your will be done, And through the rise and fall, You’re God above it all, Amen, we’re singing Amen."

How many times are we at a loss for words and feel physically, mentally, and emotionally tired? I know I have those days and even sometimes weeks. It is so hard to admit when we are tired and do not know what tomorrow brings. But God tells us in the Bible to not worry about tomorrow because today has enough troubles. We need to trust Him with our lives and even our next actions.

My husband and I are currently looking for a house to buy and it is becoming a tiring process and sometimes we do want to give up. The hard part is, we live in an area where the cost of living on average is higher than other surrounding areas, but we feel God is calling us to this particular town so that is where we will build our roots. We are pre-approved for a loan, but on the lower end of pricing compared to the average house around here. I know we will find the right house at the right time but it is a long process. All we can do some days is say, God we need you and our faith is tired but we will trust you.

We praise God in the good times and ask for healing and help in the bad times. Why do we struggle to praise him in the bad times and still remember to pray in the good times as well? This song reminds me to always be praising God no matter what and to turn to him for guidance and comfort. When we have no words and do not know what to do, we praise him.

What can you praise Him for today? Even if you feel like you are in a valley, there is something positive in your life, there is light at the end of the tunnel and you have to find it. When we focus on praising God we change our attitudes and our views on life, if we dwell in the negative all the time we are not able to see past the current circumstances and onto what God is showing us.
