A good reminder

 I began reading Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist this morning. I have read this book before and remember it being really good, so I picked it up again. It is full of short little sections that are easy to read and always encouraging. 

"You have stories worth telling, memories worth remembering, dreams worth working toward, a body worth feeding, a soul worth tending, and beyond that, the God of the universe dwells within you, the true culmination of super and natural. 

              You are more than dust and bones.
              You are spirit and power and image of God.
              And you have been given Today."

This blurb is at the end of the very first little story and I was just going to post on social media but then put it off. The story was about appreciating the little memories and moments that make up your life. She discusses waiting for the "big" moment to happen, but realizes all of the small moments amount to one big moment. 

As I was about to post onto social media, I realized I should put my book and phone down to play with and enjoy my children. They are only this age once and I do not want to miss opportunities to play with them and make memories. So instead of posting, I decided to write this blog post but to wait until later in the day. 

How do these words speak to you? Enjoy your life as it is today, if you have a dream, work toward that but don't miss out on what is in front of you right now. My husband and I get in a rut of saying "when we have a house...." and we have all these dreams of things we want when we have a house. But it is a possibility that we move into a house that will not be owned by us and then what? I am trying to be content with what I have available, to enjoy our space, and feel blessed we have a roof over our heads and a warm place to live. 

That last part is so powerful to me. Just read it over and over to yourself, write it on your mirror in the bathroom, make a reminder in your phone. Something to remind yourself of your worth and that you are given today and make it the best it can be. There is so much negativity in the world and we need to remind ourselves that we are not just a number but a Child of God and he cares for each of us. Believe in yourself, live for God, and make every moment count. 
